Fiemme 3000
Few words, plenty of emotions
We took our lead from the goal of the client: a website capable of conveying wellbeing even while looking for product information. The challenge: making online interaction a pleasurable experience, helping professionals (architects and interior designers) and end users to better understand the world of Fiemme 3000. With the creativity devised by Plus Communications, we chose to let emotional images come to the fore: wonder is an integral part of wellbeing.
A well-planned design
A design that works always involves careful planning of the interface. We always start with wireframe: in this way, we provide the necessary elements and functionality to create a usable interface where you can find information quickly and easily.
At the start we work on paper drafts (the mind is freer to express itself and reasons better), which we then reproduce in Balsamiq to discuss with our customers.
Responsive for maximum flexibility
The new Fiemme 3000 website is 100% responsive. One-time code development enables you perfect visualisation on laptop, tablet and smartphone: no matter what size the screen is, the layout adapts itself and contents are always optimised.
Simplifying the choice of floor
We live in a world where we have to make choices daily. To do this, we need tools that eliminate complexity and leave us with the mental energy to make choices that really count in the simplest way possible. Using filters devised by us, you can choose a floor on Fiemme 3000 website starting with the colour, or maybe type of wood, or how many visible knots it has: if required, these parameters may even be combined.
Anonymous tracking of users of the website, fully respecting privacy regulations, enables commercial analyses, continuous refining of website interactions and new strategic choices.
Always available for a chat
Choosing a new floor is not something that we do every day. We are not experts in the matter and need clarity and speedy replies to our queries. Every webpage of Fiemme 3000 website features the option of having a chat in real time with a company consultant: users can rest assured that there is a flesh-and-blood person ready to lend a hand just a click away. In the mid/long-term, the aim is to cut down on emails and phone calls requesting assistance.