Social network training
One need, one answer
It goes without saying these days that social networks are a mass phenomenon: you may or may not agree with what they stand for, but you cannot deny their importance. They involve passions, opportunities, risks: each one of us has our own specific needs when it comes to getting information on social networks, all of them legitimate. Our social network training aimed at people, citizens, consumers, derives from the need for clarity in details, draws a specially-made learning curve, and generates awareness.
It is never too late, or too early.
We created training courses for adults with no prior knowledge of social networks and for those who are already familiar with this environment. For older people who are curious about social networks and how to use them, even just superficially; or for adolescents who know all about functionality and technology, but who do not know how to insert social networking into the structure of their everyday communicative and social lives. There is no such thing as a time in your life when learning is impossible, or even difficult.
The ABC of social networks
We devise training modules that teach social network literacy: what they are, the dynamics that govern them, promoting the realisation that everyone has the potential to inhabit these environments making use of their advantages and avoiding their disadvantages. We normalise the prevalent thought on these environments, teaching people how to use them and how not to be used by them. Social networks are tools and we show you how to handle them.
We believe that social networks are environments and not channels that simply “transport” information. Every one of us knows how to ‘share’ a space with other people: understanding the best way to do this online is a learning curve assimilated with time and the spirit of discovery.
Taking back our time
We have been using social networks for years. We study the dynamics between the internal relationships, how people use them, how they are evolving from a technological point of view. We have developed an awareness of what we have at our disposal, every day, all of us. For this reason we have thought up a training module that can transmit a little of this awareness to participants: to make us realise how to get back our time, our attention spans, reduce anxiety, hurry, the tyranny of notifications, and regain a healthy relationship with our smartphones.