Socially useful
Not the usual training course
The variety of company training courses available on the topic of social networking is huge, but they often dig no deeper than the surface, or get lost in a thousand technical points. MADE IN CIMA offers top quality, interesting training courses which create a dialogue between us and your company. We explain the principles, provide you with the tools, show you the rules of the game. You will develop the necessary awareness to understand whether or not social networks are a potentially fertile ground for your business.
We know how to teach
We teach our training modules ourselves, and we are able to manage classes involving both large or small numbers of participants. Our training courses never lose contact with reality and their practical application in social networking environments. We expand our initial process of analysis to be sure that what we tell you is of use to you, and once you’ve left the classroom you’ll have the clear (and not vague) impression of knowing more about the topic.
We give you the egg, or the chicken
We devise entire training programmes, we analyse your company’s needs and construct a coherent learning pathway geared towards acquiring solid competence that may be applied immediately. If you already have an in-company training course that covers several topics and you’d like to add some social media modules, we will be able to make a contribution that may be perfectly inserted into the groove you have already carved out for yourself: this is what we did with Gruppo ITAS Assicurazioni, for example, offering our contribution towards ITAS Lab’s in-house training programme.
The training offered by made in cima may be carried out at our seat in Trento (in rooms for maximum 5 persons) or at your company, involving the maximum flexibility.
The ABC of social networking
We believe that everyone can use social networks to their own advantage, that every company can – if it makes sense for business reasons – turn them into a marketing tool. The important thing is to know what you are talking about. For this reason, we offer a basic training module allowing anyone to approach this world, to understand the communication logic and decide if it is a route that is worth pursuing.
Becoming professional in the use of social networks
For companies that might already have accounts on various social networks but have not yet exploited them to the full, or have been using them with no precise strategy in mind, we have an ad hoc training module: we demonstrate the importance of a strategic vision involving company and communication goals, we propose operating steps to make your work more professional on social networks and turn it into a real marketing tool, we teach you how to read the results and understand whether or not what you have done is working.
Social networks in your market niche
Every company is different, every market niche has its own set of rules and operating principles. It is for this reason that we offer you a specifically-calibrated training module for your business sector, whatever it may be: we analyse your market, what your competitors are doing, what best practice is and we create a training course that is deeply rooted in reality and does not show generic rules of behaviour, but the best rules for your sector. An example from our portfolio? For Abitare Oggi, a company that operates in the property sector in Trento, we devised a training module on how social media can be a business vehicle for estate agents.