Wellness, or even better, SnoWellness
Areasana produces SnowRooms, which are actual “snow saunas” – specially-designed cabins capable of improving physical and mental wellbeing utilising the cold-snow in particular. They are aimed at luxury hotels, élite wellness centres, cruise ships and private residences. Plus Communications agency, our partner, saw to the coordinated image of the project, devising a new font specifically for the client as well.
A website at product level
We created a website that pays great attention to aesthetic and technical detail, using black and white to make the images taken by photographer and filmmaker Alberto Narduzzi stand out. These images are able to describe what a snow room is and what the atmosphere inside is like better than words.
100% Responsive
AreaSana products adapt themselves perfectly to any need, space or client project: SnowRooms may be customised in every way possible. Similarly, we created a company website that is 100% responsive and therefore adaptable to work on every device.
A global market, a global site
AreaSana operates all over the world, with markets located at all altitudes. For this reason, our client was in need of a multilingual website and was happy with our use of WordPress as CMS combined with WPML plugin, able to support 7 different content languages in a simple manner for the client, who inserts them independently.
The animated gifs contained on the opening page of AreaSana.com are loaded in random manner every time the site is visited so that visitors may be ‘wowed’ by different content each time.
Filming of the animated gifs was done by the filmmaker Alberto Narduzzi.
Map in black
In order to unify the elegance of the design with aspects of functionality, such as having a navigable map for the various seats of AreaSana, we personalised Google Maps, the standard online maps tool, setting it against a black background and incorporating it into the design in the best possible way.
Social networks, SEO, web marketing
Alongside the design, implementation and management of AreaSana website, MADE IN CIMA also looked after the acquisition of contacts and traffic on the site itself by working on aspects of off-site and on-site SEO, studying web marketing solutions and drawing up a communications strategy for the brand on social media.